1. Gavamukulya Yahaya

Analysis of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Alpha-1-acid Glycoprotein (AGP) by Radial Immunodifussion (RID): Inter and Intra – analysis Variation.

Supervisor: Ms Rhona Baingana

  1. Mbabazi Rose

Determination of afflatoxin levels in groundnut pastes sold in Kalerwe, Kasubi, Owino and Nakasero Markets.

Supervisor: Dr. Agnes Masawi Nandutu

  1. Nabankema Cissy

Preparation of Wine from Pawpaw for Household Consumption.

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. J. C. K. Enyaru

  1. Namatovu Sumayiya

Preparation of Wine from Pineapples and Mangoes for Household Consumption.

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. J. C. K. Enyaru

  1. Damale Herbert

Effects of Fruit Juice Natural acid Level on the Fermentation Potential of Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae): Case Study of Orange, Passion Fruit and Pineapple Juices.

Supervisor: Mr. Isanga Joel

  1. Mabonga Joshua

Effects of Juice Natural acid Level on the Fermentation Potential of Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae): Case Study: Sugarcane and Lemon Juices.

Supervisor: Mr. Isanga Joel

  1. Onyango Maureel Patricia

Evaluation of Lye-based locally made Kit for Upgrading Biogas.

Supervisor: Mr. Gumisiriza Robert

  1. Mubangizi Barnabas

Evaluation of Fish waste for Bio-paraffin Production.

Supervisor: Mr. Gumisiriza Robert

  1. Akurut Eva

Essential Fatty Acids from Algae.

Supervisor: Dr. P.C. Vuzi

  1. Nsubuga Julius

Performance of a Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Waste Water.

Supervisor: Mr. John Omara

  1. Kiirya Emmanuel

Cloning and Expression of the Parafragellar Rod of Trypanasoma brucei brucei.

Supervisor: Ms. Claire Aguttu

  1. Nabanobe Emmylin

Effect of Preservation of Feacal Coliform and Feacal Streptococci.

Supervisor: Mr. John Omara

  1. Nalwoga Belinda

Home-made affinity Chromatography Columns for Protein purification.

Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Hawumba

  1. Ogwanga Rodney

Antibiotic Potential of Cockroach Brain Extract

Supervisor: Dr. P.C. Vuzi

Class Cordinators:

1. Mr. John Omara

2. Mr. Joel Isanga


Mr. P. Owilla

Wishing you success in your final year research projects.

Inveniemus Viam Aut Faciemus

Yours in service;

Gavamukulya Yahaya.

President MUBSA 2010/2011.

1 comment:

  1. Project proposal presentations scheduled for Wednesday 23rd February 2011 starting at 10:00am in JICA Lab S101
